Microboards are a new approach to self-directed supports. Microboards are intended to be self-sustaining and last for the lifetime of a person. As such, Microboards plan for a person’s future when the family is no longer around. Designed as a circle of relationships, Microboards serve as a connection to the broader community.
Microboards are formed when a volunteer group of committed family, friends and community partners join with you to ensure your quality of life. The Microboard includes you as a board member - you are self-directing and you are the employer. Microboards are rooted in person-centered philosophy and focus exclusively on your supported self-direction.
Microboards have an agency status in Wisconsin through a legal state corporate structure. They are formalized as a non-stock, non-profit agency to function as a provider/vendor of goods and services. Microboards contract for services, function as employer of record and are accountable to you and your funding source.
Similar to other agencies your Microboard bills rates to the state fiscal agent for goods and services permitted in your budget allocation. This rate is used to pay for employee wages, business liabilities and other expenses. The Microboard handles all employee functions as the employer of record.
My Microboard will continue to support my life when my parents are no longer able to help me to continue to lead a self-directed life. A Microboard is long-term, self-sustaining and will last for my lifetime. Continuity is ensured because I am not dependent on a particular family member or service program.
My Microboard helps me manage and develop my paid and un-paid supports. My caregivers join my family in building connections beyond segregated settings. My caregivers are a bridge to the community in that they seek find areas that interest me, then foster my belonging and being valued in that setting.
I have reliable caregivers, back-up support and provide training customized to me.
I want to contribute in a meaningful way to my community as a valued member in civic and religious associations, learning groups and work places. My caregivers engage others intentionally to expand my network of friends and community connections. I work towards my
life outcomes.
As employer of record, my Microboard manages staff, wages, supervises employees and determines employee benefits.
Ongoing work of a Microboard is to make space for friendship and celebration of accomplishment.
My circle of support develop a relationship with me. They share their expertise, knowledge and their community networks with me. They listen closely to me however I might express myself. My Microboard has day to day operational control. My Microboard helps to recruit new board members to step forward.
I am supported by my Microboard to live the life I choose.
Everyday practices and person-centered planning put me at the center. My autonomy and self-determination is primary.
The WISCONSIN MICROBOARD™ ASSOCIATION is a 501c3 non-profit organization, thus your donations are tax deductible. The WMA does not receive outside funding. We rely on membership fees and donations to continue our support of your Microboard.
WMA-flyer-8.25 (pdf)
DownloadThe WISCONSIN MICROBOARD™ ASSOCIATION maintains this website for information purposes only. Materials and consultations with the WISCONSIN MICROBOARD™ ASSOCIATION and its Board Members are not a substitute for professional advice. Microboards are encouraged to use due diligence in establishing and the day to day operations of your Microboard. Any creation and operation of your Microboard is the responsibility of you and your circle of support.
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